Breast Asymmetry

Perhaps the single most important component of beauty is symmetry. Conscientiously or sub-conscientiously, we immediately search for symmetry when evaluating beauty. One of the great ironies of life however, is that no human being, not even the most famous of super-models, is perfectly symmetrical. If we were to measure our different body parts, we would consistently find differences between the two sides. The length of our right arms will be different than the left, as will the size of our eyes, ears, and legs.

It is exceedingly rare for any woman to have perfectly symmetrical breasts.  Whether one evaluates the size, shape, nipple position, or location of the fold under the breast, one will find differences. Los Angeles plastic surgeon, Dr. Warren Lent, advises women to first evaluate and understand these differences before begining the process of correcting breast asymmetry. While understanding that perfection is rarely achievable, breast asymmetry surgery can help to restore reasonable symmetry between the two sides.

The Breast Asymmetry Consultation

Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Lent, will perform a thorough consultation and evaluation to accurately assess each woman’s particular needs. Each woman presents with a unique set of circumstance, requiring a careful evaluation. Women who are candidates for correction of breast asymmetry include those who have:

  • One breast significantly larger than the opposite normal sized breast
  • One breast significantly smaller than the opposite normal sized breast
  • One breast that is too large and one breast that is too small
  • Nipple positions than are different between the two breasts
  • Significant differences in shape between the two breasts
  • Failure of one breast to properly develop

A plastic surgeon will consider different or a combination of options for correcting breast asymmetry.  These include: breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, a release of constricting breast ligaments, and breast expansion with reconstruction.  Dr. Lent is certified by the prestigious American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).  He possesses the training and experience to carefully evaluate your particular asymmetry and work with you to create a plan tailored to correct your specific problem.

The Breast Asymmetry Procedure and Post-Surgery

A plastic surgeon will perform most of these procedures in an outpatient surgical center, usually under general anesthesia. Woman can usually return home that day.  The surgeon will often require that you take off at least one to two weeks from work and a minimum of two weeks of no exercise or lifting.

Each of these procedures is generally considered safe, especially when performed on healthy women. Like all medical and surgical treatment, there are risks, including bleeding, infection and the risks of anesthesia. However, these risks can be minimized especially when performed under the care of a highly qualified, board certified cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Lent.

The results from correction of breast asymmetry can be immensely satisfying. It can help to restore the beauty associated with symmetry, while simultaneously improving a woman’s sense of femininity and self-image.

To best understand all of your options, a full consultation with Dr. Warren Lent is recommended.  Here at Dr.  Lent’s office, we show care for each patient from the initial consultation to the final post-surgery call. We look forward to hearing from you. For more information about the breast asymmetry procedure, costs, or questions, please contact us at: 

Office: (310) 652-6500

150 North Robertson Blvd. Suite 140
Beverly Hills, Ca 90211

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