Thigh Lift

The thighs are one area of the body particularly prone to fat build-up and deterioration in skin quality.  As people age, a person’s skin loses elasticity.  The thighs are especially vulnerable as thigh skin is naturally thinner than skin found elsewhere in the body.  Additionally, as people gain weight the added skin tension further stretches and thins the skin.  In this situation, a plastic surgeon might recommend performing thigh lift (AKA thighplasty), liposuction or both.

Can I Benefit from a Thigh Lift?

A cosmetic surgeon can help to correct the above issues and help patients achieve a firmer, more youthful look.

Candidates for a thigh lift include:

  • People who have undergone dramatic weight loss
  • Patients with excess skin of the inner or outer thighs
  • Individuals experiencing chronic rashes due to rubbing of the excess skin
  • Those with constant hygiene issues of the inner thighs
  • Difficulty with clothes fitting properly
  • Patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery

The Thigh Lift Consultation

Individuals should begin their search for information on thigh lifts by having an in person consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Warren Lent is board certified by the only AMA (American Medical Association) recognized plastic surgery board, the American Board of Plastic Surgery.  Dr. Lent will conduct a thorough evaluation of your needs. He will begin by carefully discussing your needs and reasons for considering a thigh lift.  You will be asked about your past medical and surgical history. To determine the best recommendation to meet your particular needs and realistic goals, you will undergo a physical examination of the area. Dr. Lent will review with you each step of the process. 

The Thigh Lift Procedure

A plastic surgeon will generally perform a thigh lift under anesthesia. The redundant skin from either the inner or outer thighs or both is removed by placing incisions in the natural groin creases. The plastic surgeon will do this to help camouflage future scars. The incision may extend partially or fully around the circumference of the thigh depending on the person’s needs. Patients are asked to avoid all exercise, lifting and heavy physical activity for up to two months after the procedure.

Like most cosmetic surgery, a thigh lift or thighplasty is generally considered to be a safe procedure.  However, there are risks. These risks include bleeding, infection, skin injury, and the risk of anesthesia. Additionally, abstaining from all tobacco products, especially cigarettes and cigars, as well as nicotine products for at least one month before and for at least one month after surgery, can reduce the risks. With his extensive experience and training of a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Warren Lent can help make your outcome a successful one.


For men and women who are looking to firm and tighten their thighs, a thigh lift, liposuction, or a combination, can be a wonderful opportunity to achieve their goals. Patient’s will feel more comfortable wearing various types of clothing including bathing suits and shorts. Most importantly, people who have undergone a thigh lift will have the chance to enhance their self-image and self-assurance.  Dr. Lent’s patients often report  their overall satisfaction.

To best understand all of your options, a full plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Warren Lent at his Beverly Hills office is recommended. Here at Dr. Warren Lent’s office, we show care for each patient from the initial consultation to the final post-surgery call. We look forward to hearing from you. For more information about the thigh lift, costs, or questions, please contact us at: 

Office: (310) 652-6500

150 North Robertson Blvd. Suite 140
Beverly Hills, Ca 90211

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