
At some time, we all begin to undergo the aging process. The aging process has several common features including:

  • A loss of facial fat, especially in the cheeks
  • A down and inward migration of the cheek tissue
  • Flattening of the upper cheeks and deepening of the nasolabial folds
  • A build up of loose skin and fat around the jaw line, called jowls
  • Changes to the neck, such as loose skin, formation of bands and build up of fat

These changes are the result of a loss of the elasticity in the skin and soft tissues of the face combined with the effect of gravity. 

How can a Facelift Improve your Appearance?

A facelift procedure, also called a Rhytidectomy, is a plastic surgery procedure designed to correct each of the above changes. A plastic surgeon will redistribute the skin and soft tissues to their natural position in an up and back direction. The cosmetic surgeon will tighten and repair the underlying muscle and fascia as well as remove excess skin.

The main goal of a facelift is to fill out the cheeks, re-establish the jaw line and smooth the neck to create the normally sharp, youthful angle between the jaw and neck. A facelift can’t turn the clock back, but it can help to restore your face to a natural, more youthful appearance.

Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Warren Lent, takes special care to perform the facelift procedure leaving each patient with a natural look. He takes great pride when many of his patients describe the positive reactions of friends and co-workers who tell them that they ‘look great!’ but don’t know why.  Friends will often ask patients, ‘Are you doing something different?’ His patients look younger and refreshed without that ‘pulled’ or artificial look.

Dr. Lent usually performs the facelift procedure under sedative or general anesthesia. Incisions are made in natural creases and folds, as well as behind the ear and in the hairline to allow for optimal healing and maximum camouflage.  As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Warren Lent is known for his meticulous closure of all incisions to aid in providing the best healing possible.  Please visit our “Facelift: Before and After” page to see patients who have had a facelift with Dr. Lent.

Facelift: Post-Surgery

After your facelift surgery, the majority of swelling and bruising usually resolves in ten to fourteen days. Dr. Lent will often instruct patients to avoid all exercise, heavy lifting, and bending over for two weeks after the procedure. Drains may be placed under the skin at the conclusion of the procedure to aid in the removal of any fluid build-up. Dr. Lent will remove the drains between one and three days after a facelift.

What are the Risks?

Facelifts or rhytidectomy are generally a safe plastic surgery procedure.  However, like all medical treatment, there are risks. The risks include bleeding, infection, nerve injury and the risk of anesthesia. Under the care of a board certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Lent, every effort will be made to prevent and minimize risk to make your outcome a successful one. Of note, smokers are instructed to quit smoking and using nicotine products for one month before and for at least one month after the surgery.

The Facelift Procedure and other types of Facial Plastic Surgery

Having a facelift plastic surgery is an excellent way to restore a youthful look.  But, it may be just one component to an overall plan to improve your facial appearance.  Patient who have had a facelift may also want to consider laser eyelid surgery to improve the appearance of their eyes, a forehead lift to raise droopy eyebrow and eliminate forehead wrinkles, or laser skin resurfacing to eliminate fine wrinkles. Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Lent, has performed thousands of these procedures with great success.

To best understand all of your options, a full plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Warren Lent is recommended. For further details on each aspect of a facelift, please contact us at:

Office: (310) 652-6500

150 North Robertson Blvd. Suite 140
Beverly Hills, Ca 90211


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    Before and After Pages: After Weight Loss Surgery I Arm Lift I Breast Augmentation I Breast Augmentation and Lift I Breast Enlargement I Breast Lift I Breast Reduction I Arm Reduction I Ear Pinning I Facelift I Laser Eyelid Surgery I Laser Resurfacing I Liposuction I Nose Surgery I Otoplasty I Rhinoplasty I Tummy Tuck

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