
Have you ever wished you could have those fatty bulges just melt away? There is no need to feel alone.  Most of us have problem areas that we wish would just go away.  That is why liposuction is the most popular Los Angeles plastic surgery procedure.  Liposuction is a procedure which is ideal for improving one’s shape, silhouette, contour, or figure. It is perfect for those stubborn, unsightly collections of fatty deposits.

Who can Liposuction Help?

Getting lipoplasty, or liposuction is not a weight loss technique. In fact, the best candidates are those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle but have stubborn areas of fat that will not go away. Often, people are just pre-programmed to collect fat in defined locations such as the thighs and abdomen. We often see similar body shapes within families. This genetic predisposition is what makes it so difficult to rid these areas of their excess fat. Some of the best candidates for liposuction are those people who are generally thin but have a bulge, which puts their whole figure out of proportion.

The best candidates for liposuction are:

  • People whose weight is within the normal range yet want to improve their figure.
  • People with excess fatty tissue located in a well-defined area.
  • Men and women who are in good general health.
  • Patients with good skin tone and elasticity.

Patients will often have liposuction in the abdomen, waist, hips, inner and outer thighs, inner knees, arms, chest, back, and under the jaw. In addition, many men undergo liposuction for excess breast tissue, known as gynecomastia.

The Liposuction Procedure

One of the many benefits of liposuction is that a plastic surgeon can perform the procedure through tiny incisions, which can usually be placed in very discrete, well-camouflaged locations.  Cosmetic surgeons will often place the incision in natural body creases This allows for ideal healing and makes it very difficult for the scars to be visible with the passage of time.

Liposuction is actually a form of body sculpting. Prior to treating an area of the body, Los Angeles plastic surgeon, Dr. Warren Lent, will infuse a saline solution containing both an anesthetic and a medicine to reduce bleeding. This will firm up the area and allow for more accurate “lipo sculpting”. Dr. Lent will perform liposuction with a small hollow tube, known as a cannula, thru which the unwanted excess fat is permanently removed. Liposuction works because fat cells do not have the ability to reproduce and make new cells. Since we are born with a fixed number of fat cells, the results are permanent. The improved contours are proportionately maintained no matter what the patient’s future weight might be.

In the United States, plastic surgeons perform hundreds of liposuction procedures each day.  The procedure is extremely popular here in Los Angeles and specifically Beverly Hills. The vast majority liposuction procedures are performed safely with good results. Most are performed with the benefit of some form of anesthesia, such as general or sedation type anesthesia, under the care of a fully trained anesthesiologist. The procedure is generally considered safe.  However, like all surgical procedures there is some risk. Potential complications include bleeding, scarring dimpling, asymmetry, fluid accumulation, and the risk of anesthesia. A fully trained, board certified plastic surgeon will take every precaution to help prevent complications from occurring.

Post-Surgery: What to Expect After Liposuction

After liposuction surgery, there will likely be both swelling and bruising. The bruising usually resolves in about two to three weeks. The majority of the swelling typically also resolves in two to three weeks.  However, some residual swelling can last as long as four to six months after the procedure. Patients are typically asked to avoid all exercise and heavy lifting for at least two weeks after surgery.

Its not just the opportunity to buy new clothes or show off your new figure, liposuction (AKA lipoplasty) offers the chance to improve ones self-image and self-confidence. When your self-confidence is high then everything you attempt in life becomes better.  Your social life, your professional life, and your love life all tend to be better.

For further details on each aspect of liposuction, Dr. Lent invites you to view his Liposuction: Before and After page to see patients who have had liposuction with Dr. Lent.

Here at Dr. Warren Lent’s office, we show care for each patient from the initial consultation to the final post-surgery call. We look forward to hearing from you. For more information about the liposuction, costs, or questions, please contact us at: 

Office: (310) 652-6500

150 North Robertson Blvd. Suite 140
Beverly Hills, Ca 90211


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