Why You Shouldn’t Worry About a Facelift
Many people dream of having a facelift. In fact, a survey carried out by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery found that as much as half of all Americans would like to alter their appearance with plastic surgery. However, while many people desire the benefits of a facelift there are also many that worry about undergoing surgery and are anxious about the procedure and the recovery. However, thanks to a number of new surgical techniques is possible to enjoy the benefits of a facelift and at the same time have very little need to be worried anything going wrong.
Another, more common, worry often associated with having a facelift is the way in which society and people’s peers react to plastic surgery. While there are those that do, wrongly, look down upon people who undergo plastic surgery, it is thankfully becoming less and less of a problem. This has been helped by a number of high profile celebrities, such as Sharon Osborne and Donatella Versace, publicly admitting that they have gone under the knife. It was roughly thirty years ago that Betty Ford became the first high profile figure to admit to having a facelift and since then Americans have gradually become more accepting of plastic surgery and this trend looks set to continue.
Furthermore, not every facelift is the same. While some do result in drastic changes which will be immediately noticeable, there are more subtle facelift techniques which have a lesser effect but still result in a more youthful and wrinkle-free face.
Because everyone ages differently it is impossible to predict at which point any one individual may benefit from a facelift. However, when looking in the mirror most people will have a pretty good idea of how they are aging and through consultations with board-certified plastic surgeons, such as Dr. Warren Lent, it is possible to determine if it is the right procedure for you.
Prior to having a facelift much can be done to reduce wrinkles and sagging skin with non-invasive cosmetic options. However, at some point a facelift becomes the sensible choice in order to decrease the loss of volume and sagging of the skin that aging inevitably causes. However, while some people may benefit from this in their 50’s others can wait until quite a few years later. In general people lose a great deal of facial volume during their 50’s so this is normally the right time to consider a facelift, especially as it is best to undergo the surgery at a time when the changes will look natural and not drastic.
As a result, these days undergoing a facelift is a far less stressful experience than many people realise. It has become an almost entirely socially acceptable procedure and thanks to advancements in surgical techniques it is also extremely safe. As long as you take the time to consult with a fully qualified board-certified plastic surgeon then you can be sure that you will be receiving the best possible advice and undergoing a facelift at the right time for you.