The Advantages of Open Rhinoplasty

Open RhinoplastyWhat is Beverly Hills Open Rhinoplasty?

The terms “open rhinoplasty” and “closed rhinoplasty” may at first appear to be confusing patients but in fact they only refer to two different surgical approaches to reshaping the tip of the nose. When performing open rhinoplasty the plastic surgeon makes an incision along the soft tissue separating the two nostrils (the columella) allowing the surgeon to access the inner bone structure and cartilage of the nose. A closed rhinoplasty does not involve an incision along the columella, all incision are internal.

Advantages to Open Rhinoplasty

The most important advantage of open rhinoplasty is better visibility for the plastic surgeon. Once the trans-columellar incision is performed the nasal skin can be lifted up over the nose exposing the underlying structure of the nasal tip. The plastic surgeon can easily see where adjustments to the bone and cartridge have to be made. In addition, when performing an open rhinoplasty the nasal cartridge distortion is minimized which results in more precision and control from the surgeon.

Some plastic surgeons opt for closed rhinoplasty especially with patients whose nasal anatomy is more straight-forward and who do not require a drastic plastic surgical approach. However, it is important to remember that patients suffering from more complex problems such as twisted noses, cleft-lip deformity or problems following a previous rhinoplasty have a much better chance at success when opting for open rhinoplasty. The greater versatility, control and visibility allowed to the plastic surgeon during the procedure offsets the disadvantage of a possible minor scar after surgery.

Common Misconceptions about Open Rhinoplasty

One of the most common concerns with patients considering undergoing open rhinoplasty is whether they will be left with unseemly scars. However, it is important to know that the columellar incision is performed in a stair step shape which means that it is almost imperceptible after it heals. In addition, the incision is placed on the inside and narrowest portion of the colunella skin so that from the front and side views it is very unlikely that the scar will be visible.

Another concern is that open rhinoplasty is more invasive and can damage the cartilage. This is a complete misconception – when lifting the nasal skin over the tip the cartilage remains undisturbed allowing the plastic surgeon to make any necessary changes more precisely and with less trauma to the underlying structure.

The most important advantage of an open rhinoplasty is the greatly improved precision afforded to the plastic surgeon, making the final result better, while simultaneously reducing the long-term risks typically associated with a rhinoplasty.

To find out which form of nose plastic surgery is most suitable for you book a consultation with American Board of Plastic Surgery certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Lent.