The Advantages of Open Rhinoplasty

Open RhinoplastyWhat is Beverly Hills Open Rhinoplasty?

The terms “open rhinoplasty” and “closed rhinoplasty” may at first appear to be confusing patients but in fact they only refer to two different surgical approaches to reshaping the tip of the nose. When performing open rhinoplasty the plastic surgeon makes an incision along the soft tissue separating the two nostrils (the columella) allowing the surgeon to access the inner bone structure and cartilage of the nose. A closed rhinoplasty does not involve an incision along the columella, all incision are internal.

Advantages to Open Rhinoplasty

The most important advantage of open rhinoplasty is better visibility for the plastic surgeon. Once the trans-columellar incision is performed the nasal skin can be lifted up over the nose exposing the underlying structure of the nasal tip. The plastic surgeon can easily see where adjustments to the bone and cartridge have to be made. In addition, when performing an open rhinoplasty the nasal cartridge distortion is minimized which results in more precision and control from the surgeon. More