Balance and Proportionality in Rhinoplasty

rhinoplasty symmetryThe main aesthetic advantage of Beverly Hills rhinoplasty is that it can help to create a more balanced and proportional face. In order to be sure of undergoing high quality surgery it is essential to find a board certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon. Dr. Warren Lent has been certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and will guide you through every step of the plastic surgery procedure.

Why is symmetry and proportionality important?

From the beginning of human history people always deemed certain individuals more beautiful than others. In recent years more and more research has centered on the idea of beauty and why some people are perceived to be more beautiful than others. Scientists discovered that in the vast majority of communities, symmetry, balanced facial features and a proportionate face play an immensely important part in what is viewed as beautiful. When considering any cosmetic procedure, and in particular cosmetic rhinoplasty surgery, patients often hope to achieve a more symmetrical nose, a prominent feature that work best with the proportions of their face.

Aesthetic factors in cosmetic rhinoplasty

The nose is one of the most prominent and defining characteristics of the human face. It is difficult not to notice a person’s nose as it is so centrally located on the face and because almost all communication happens with our mouths and eyes so attention is always focused on our facial features.

In some cases a disproportionate nose can upset the entire symmetry of the face ruining the overall harmony of our looks. One of the great advantages of Beverly Hills rhinoplasty is that it is able to restore this symmetry and often very minor tweaks can result in a profound improvement to the patient’s looks. In most cases it is possible to change the size of the nose, adjust the location and size of the tip and change the height and width of the nasal bridge. Other patients have noses that lean off center adding to unwanted asymmetry of the face while some patients suffer from humps on their noses. All of these problems can be addressed by a plastic surgeon carrying out rhinoplasty surgery.

The importance of pre-surgery consultation

While some patients have a very clear idea of what they would like to achieve by undergoing cosmetic surgery, it is important to remember that your plastic surgeon has performed numerous procedures and can advise as to the best course of action. Balance and proportionality is the foremost goal in any cosmetic surgery procedure and your surgeon can help to achieve the most harmonious results.

Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Lent will provide you with a full consultation prior to undergoing your plastic surgery. As a fully board certified plastic surgeon he is able to provide plastic surgery patients with the best possible options prior to undergoing any procedures.