Breast Lift

Breast LiftWhat is a Breast Lift?

Breast lift or mastopexy is plastic surgery most commonly performed on women who feel that their breasts are sagging or look “tired” and need repositioning on their chest. In young women sagging breasts are usually associated with having large breasts that succumb to the pull of gravity quicker. Pregnancy can also alter the position and elasticity of breasts as do hormonal changes.

Who is suitable for Breast Lift surgery?

One of the common tricks to see if a woman is a likely candidate for a breast lift plastic surgery is to place a pencil under the breast – if it doesn’t fall to the ground a breast lift procedure could be a good plastic surgery solution. Mastopexy is often performed in conjunction with other breast procedures such as breast reduction surgery or breast augmentation. The main goal of the surgery is to reposition the nipple and breast tissue and remove any excess skin while keeping the maximum sensation in the nipple area and surrounding skin.

How does Breast Lift Surgery work?

Breast lift plastic surgery, similarly to other breast plastic surgery procedures, is most commonly performed under general anesthesia. The breast lift procedure usually takes around 3-5 hours. After making an incision the plastic surgeon repositions the nipple and removes any excess skin or underlying tissue as necessary. He can also reduce the size of the breast or position an implant at this point.

After closing up, pressure bandages are placed around the breast area and some patients will require small drains to be placed in the treated area but these will be removed after one or two days. Most Beverly Hills breast lift patients don’t need to stay in hospital overnight and can leave the same day.

The first few days after plastic surgery can be painful but after two to three weeks all stitches are removed and within a few months the recovery process is usually over. As with other breast plastic surgery procedures it is advised to wear a special sports bra for a short while following surgery. The results of breast lift procedures are long lasting but overtime some patients choose to have a touch up procedure.

Complications and risks of a breast lift surgery include infection, scarring and loss of feeling in some parts of the breast skin.

Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Lent is double board certified and has a vast amount of experience at carrying out breast lifts and other forms of plastic surgery on breasts.