Beverly Hills Liposuction

LiposuctionWhat is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure where fat is removed from various parts of the body using suction. The plastic surgery involves inserting thin blunt tubes through small incisions into the affected area and sucking out excess fat deposit from under the skin. Liposuction can be used in a number of areas such as thighs, hips, abdomen, back or arms.

How does Liposuction Work?

There are a few types of liposuction procedures that can be used. The most common technique is tumescent liposuction. Tumescent liposuction is the most traditional liposuction procedure. In the procedure the plastic surgeon injects a large anesthetic solution under the skin and then proceeds to remove fat from the treated areas.

Ultrasounds liposuction uses ultrasound waves to break up the fatty tissue which makes the suction of fat easier while laser liposuction uses low impact laser to liquefy the fat and help the plastic surgeon remove it.

What are the after effects of a liposuction plastic surgery?

Liposuction treatment is often performed using local anesthetic but can be done under general anesthesia as well. Following plastic surgery patients occasionally have to wear compression bandages and garments for up to 3-4 weeks and for the first 7-10 days after surgery most liposuction patients can expect some discomfort and pain. Most patients find the pain to be only mild in severity, often described as comparable to the soreness experienced after a heavy workout.

The majority of patients are advised to take several days off work following plastic surgery but can return to their day to day activities after that. The results of successful liposuction can be maintained for longer with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet. The beauty of liposuction is that the fat does not return, as fat cells do not have the ability to replicate themselves.

The best candidates for liposuction understand that it is not a treatment of obesity or excess weight. It is not possible to remove stretch marks or cellulite with liposuction and it should not be treated as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction is great for those stubborn areas where fat collections distort shape, despite exercise and a healthy diet.

As with all surgeries, liposuction has risks and complications may occur. The most common side effects include swelling, bruising or tightness near the treated area, numbness or loss of feeling on the skin as well as infection and scarring around the incision points.

Anyone considering liposuction should consult with a certified plastic surgeon. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, Dr. Warren Lent, is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons and will accompany patients throughout the process, from the initial consultation to recovery after the plastic surgery.