Male Plastic Surgery

Male Plastic Surgery

When people think of plastic surgery most of time they think of women undergoing various surgeries to improve their appearances. However, there is no reason why men shouldn’t also enjoy the benefits of plastic surgery, both aesthetically and physically.

There are many plastic surgeries which are suitable for men. For instance, many will benefit from procedures such as laser hair removal, smoothing out wrinkles and general skin rejuvenation. All of these procedures will help to keep you looking young, masculine and physically competitive. Furthermore, they are not very invasive procedures and won’t keep you from continuing with your day to day activities.

A good example of this is blepharoplasty. This is a simple procedure, often done under local anesthetic, which is used to lift the skin around the eyes. It can help to remove bags under the eyes and generally creates a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing look. It is just one of many surgeries which can help you to look and feel young.
There are many other procedures which can be carried out to help and create a youthful and healthy appearance. Two popular choices with men are liposuction and gynecomastia surgeries. Both of these are specifically tailored for men to help and redefine body contours and enhance masculinity.

Many men are unaware of gynecomastia surgery. Gynecomastia is the build up of fat, skin or tissue in the male breasts and the condition affects up to 3 million men per year. It can be caused by a variety of different things such as hormonal imbalances and medications and it can affect either one or both breasts.

While gynecomastia is not normally a dangerous condition it can leave many feeling uncomfortable, particularly about being seen shirtless. This is why gynecomastia surgery can be an excellent way to boost confidence. The surgery will remove excess breast skin, glandular tissue and fat through a variety of techniques and after a successful surgery the patient will be left with normal looking male breasts.

Similarly, liposuction can be used to remove fat and help contour the body. A thin hollow cannula tube is inserted in the target area and suction is used to remove fat. Common areas for liposuction are the abdomen, back, thighs, arms and buttocks. After the fat is removed the skin will then adjust to the new contours leaving the patient with more sculpted features.
One of the most common plastic surgery procedures for both men and women is rhinoplasty (nose surgery). There are a number of reasons why a man may wish to have a nose job. It may be the desire to correct an abnormality, such as a hump, or even to correct birth defects or problems that affect air flow and make breathing difficult. Men are able to completely reshape their nose and are left feeling more comfortable and confident in their appearance.

Whatever it is that you are hoping to achieve with plastic surgery Dr. Warren Lent will work with you to ensure that your aesthetic and physical goals are all realized and that you are left totally satisfied with the outcome. To fully understand what can be achieved it is best to book a consultation today.