What is a Tummy Tuck?

Tummy TuckTummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical solution to a saggy, slack tummy area. The procedure is aimed at patients who are not happy with the look of their abdomen and feel that excess skin or minor fat reserves are ruining the aesthetic appearance of their tummy.

During the tummy tuck excess skin and some fat tissue are removed and the underlying abdominal muscles and connective tissue is tightened. In most cases, tummy tucks are performed on women left with lost elasticity in their abdominal skin following pregnancy or on patients who have lost a considerable amount of weight and are suffering from a lot of excess skin. People who have undergone weight-loss surgery, such as lap-band, gastric sleeve or gastric bypass are often excellent candidates for an abdominoplasty. The hanging skin can interfere with normal activities of daily living and even cause rashes and infections. In some cases, patients who are not able to lose the last few stubborn pounds also request tummy tucks. More