What To Expect After Eyelid Surgery

rhinoplastyAs one would expect, eyelid surgery (blethroplasty) involves a recovery period. Being informed on what to expect after the procedure is as important as knowing what to expect during the actual procedure.

What to expect after the procedure

Patients who undergo a blethroplasty usually do so on an outpatient basis. Patients very rarely need to stay overnight in the hospital overnight. Your surgeon will decide what the best option is for your specific situation.

In regards to the recovery process, expect swelling and redness at the incision sites. You may have excessive tearing as well, but not always. You will experience tenderness, but the level pain will vary from patient to patient, as expected, but most patients experience almost no pain because of the unique laser method used by Dr. Lent. Most patients only experience mild discomfort up to five days. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be taken as needed.

If the blethroplasty only involved removal of skin, then swelling and bruising will fade within several days. If fat was also removed in conjunction with skin, then expect to see the majority of swelling recede within one to two weeks.

When can I return to work

Patients can return to work within 3 -5 days after the procedure as long as no bending over, heavy lifting or physical exertion is required. Makeup can be used cover any residual bruising. Eye makeup such as eye shadow and eyeliner can be worn after seven days.

Physical fitness

It is recommended that patients refrain from high-impact exercise for a period of two to three weeks.

What if I wear glasses?

Patients can use their glasses immediately after surgery, but will need to wait for one or two weeks before using contact lenses.

Patients should be diligent with the application of sunscreen. Apply with a SPF of 15 of higher liberally to the eye area for six months. The skin will be sensitive and you do not want it to burn.