Teens and Plastic Surgery

teen plastic surgerySince the birth of modern day plastic surgery more and more people choose to undergo plastic surgery procedures every year. The unbroken popularity of plastic surgery means that there is more and more information available for patients who are considering going under the knife. Internet sites, TV shows, magazines as well as one’s closest friends all discuss various procedures and almost everyone knows someone who’s undergone a plastic surgery procedure of some kind. In most cases plastic surgery procedures are performed on patients who are in their twenties or older but more and more younger patients are seeking out plastic surgeons. Similarly to older demographics, teenagers are also discovering the benefits of plastic surgery procedures and realize that in certain cases plastic surgery holds the answer to years of low self-esteem, feelings of incompleteness and even functional concerns (such as difficulty of breathing or asymmetry in the breasts preventing rigorous sport activities). According to a recent survey conducted by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as many as 219,000 teenagers had undergone plastic surgery procedures in 2013. Many plastic surgeons believe that these numbers are expected to grow even further as a new generation grows up whose parents are more familiar with plastic surgery procedures and who are willing to consider giving their consent. Currently patients under the age of 18 have to have their parents’ consent if they wish to undergo plastic surgery.

What types of procedures are most popular amongst teens?

To understand what types of procedures teens are requesting most often it is important to realize that the motivation for plastic surgery procedures amongst teenage patients is often different to that of more mature patients. Whilst older patients are often seeking out plastic surgeons to regain their youthful appearance or to enhance their looks in order to stand out from the crowd, teenagers are more likely to want plastic surgery to feel and look more like their peers, to achieve a more “normal” appearance. Feeling the sense of belonging to a group, being accepted and loved by one’s friends is especially important during our teenage years when we get our sense of self largely by comparing ourselves to others. As a result, plastic surgery procedures requested by teenagers are often aimed at making their look more symmetrical and balanced in their facial features as well as their bodies. One of the most popular plastic surgery procedures is rhinoplasty or nose-jobs in which the size, shape and functionality of the nose can be changed giving a more harmonious and balanced look to the patient’s facial features. Breast augmentation is also a firm favorite among teenagers as well as skin procedures such as microdermabrasion aimed at reducing severe acne scars and evening out skin tone. Another large group of plastic surgery procedures favored by younger patients is aimed at correcting functionality, allowing patients to go about their normal day to day activities and join in sports groups or other teams that would have been embarrassing or even painful prior to surgery. Breast asymmetry, deviated septum and even urinary incontinence can affect teenage patients and plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation/reduction, rhinoplasty or vaginoplasty can mean an enormous improvement in patients’ lives. Prominent, protruding ears is another area of major concern to teenagers, which can be treated with a procedure known as Otoplasty, but commonly referred to as ear pinning.

What to consider before a plastic surgery procedure?

As with any patient thinking about plastic surgery it is important to pinpoint what exactly is bothersome for teenage patients. The best way forward is to talk to a Beverly Hills board-certified plastic surgeon such as Dr. Warren Lent as they will have the knowledge and experience to talk about options for each individual patient. Though many people appear to be experts on plastic surgery no one knows plastic surgery procedures better than plastic surgeons themselves so it is important to consult with a doctor before deciding on a procedure. Whilst plastic surgery might be a solution to some concerns teenage patients might have, it is important to realize that teenagers are still expected to grow and change in their body shape and even facial features. Surgeons might advise to wait a few years with certain procedures in order to achieve the best and longest lasting results. In addition, some procedures incur considerable down-time following surgery and it simply might not be the best time for teenage patients to take several weeks off from their studies. Finally, if patients are under 18 years old parents or legal guardians will always need to give their consent for any plastic surgery procedure. Their support is also needed prior to the operation and during the recovery period so it makes sense for parents to be on board with the surgery plan.

The dangers of plastic surgery for teens

Teenage patients can be excellent candidates for plastic surgery procedures. Usually they suffer less from underlying medical conditions and often recuperate much faster than adults. However, it is important to keep in mind that any surgery, including all plastic surgery procedures comes with its own set of risks and possible complications. In addition, just as with more mature patients, plastic surgery can have a profound impact on the teenage patient’s life but it is important to have realistic expectations of what plastic surgery can achieve. Beverly Hills board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Warrant Lent will prepare you for the procedure so that you can enjoy the best possible results – even at a younger age.