Risks associated with plastic surgery

plastic surgery risksEvery surgical procedure carries a set of risks and possible complications that patients should be aware of. Plastic surgery procedures are no different in this respect, they all involve certain risks and it is important for patients to understand these risks before undergoing any plastic surgery procedures. Though it might seem daunting to read through a set of associated risks that in most cases are successfully avoided, it is nevertheless paramount for patients to be fully informed and prepared.

Each plastic surgery procedure, such as breast enlargement, rhinoplasty, laser eyelid plastic surgery or liposuction has its own set of associated risks. However, there are certain health hazards that apply to almost all plastic surgeries. The most common risks include the risk of bleeding, infection, possible scarring, asymmetries resulting from plastic surgery and functional losses. The way in which these risks effect patients can vary based on a number of factors such as genetics, age, lifestyle or underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

All plastic surgeries will include some form of anesthesia which in turn carries its own set of risks. Local anesthesia is by far the safest option for plastic surgery patients and most surgeons will recommend using local anesthesia whenever possible. The risks of general anesthesia include cardiovascular collapse, respiratory depression and damage to teeth. However, it is worth pointing out that the statistical chance of risks associated with anesthesia is low and if the patient is in overall good health most plastic surgery procedures are very safe.

Finally, a “risk” that is worth mentioning is that patients’ expectations are not always realized by the results of the surgery. A good plastic surgeon will present the patient with a realistic outcome for their planned procedure taking into consideration the patient’s health, condition and the benefits the procedure can offer. Unfortunately, sometimes even the best preparation will not help prevent a patient being disappointed, especially immediately after surgery when the treated area is usually swollen and bandaged and the final results are not yet evident.

Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Lent is certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. As such he can consult with patients on all aspects of plastic surgery and ensure that there are minimum risks involved.