What is Beverly Hills thigh lift surgery and who is it recommended for?

Thigh Lift SurgeryThigh lift surgery is a plastic surgery solution to sagging excess skin around the thigh area. The plastic surgery aims to give a smoother and tighter contour to the thigh region by removing excess skin and in some cases excess fat tissue. It is important to stress that a thigh lift involves removal of skin from either the outer or the inner thigh, it is not a liposuction procedure aimed at removing fat tissue only. However, it is possible to combine a thigh lift procedure with liposuction for more pronounced results.

To fully understand thigh lifts it is important to consult with a certified plastic surgeon. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Lent is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and happy to conduct consultations.

Thigh lift surgery candidates include people who suffer from excess skin around their thighs and who wish to improve the overall contour of the thigh area. Excess skin can be a result of extreme weight loss, post-pregnancy loss of skin elasticity as well as genetic disposition. Patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly but are not able to change the contour of their thighs due to excess skin could benefit from a thigh lift plastic surgery procedure. As with all plastic surgery procedures patients who maintain good health by regular exercise, a balanced diet and not smoking have a better chance of lowering the risks of complications and will be able to uphold the results of the surgery for a longer time.

The procedure

Thigh lift plastic surgeries are generally performed as outpatient procedures so there is no need to stay in hospital overnight following plastic surgery. In most cases general anesthesia is used but the plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist will advise the patient after evaluating each individual case. There are two main thigh lift plastic surgery techniques which tackle different problem areas. The medial thigh lift is used when the patient is suffering from excess skin or loss of skin elasticity in the inner thigh area. The plastic surgeon makes an incision at the fold where the leg meets the pubic area. The surgeon then proceeds to remove an area of excess skin from the top of the leg and pulling up the skin to meet the incision area thus tightening and creating a smoother surface for the inner thighs.

If the patient’s problem areas are focused mainly around the front side or outer side of the thigh then a lateral thigh lift can be a good solution. During a lateral thigh lift procedure the plastic surgeon makes an incision around the upper part of the leg, close to where the lower edge of the underwear would normally sit. Excess skin is then removed and the thigh skin is pulled up and tightened to close the incision area. A lateral thigh lift plastic surgery procedure ensures that both the front and side area of the thighs is tightened and smoothed out. The lateral thigh lift surgery is often a good plastic surgery solution for patients who lost a considerable amount of weight and are left with excess skin around the entire thigh area.

One other option is a vertical medial (inner) thigh lift. This is performed when there is excess skin extending all the way down towards the knees. This procedure leaves a scar that extends from the groin down towards the knee.

Recovering after a thigh lift plastic surgery procedure

After closing the incision the plastic surgeon applies bandages over the area. In most cases compression garments are applied too to reduce the amount of swelling and to help shape the thigh area in order to achieve a smoother contour. Sometimes small tubes are placed in the operated area to help fluids drain. Deep sutures will dissolve within a few months of the plastic surgery procedure and sutures on the surface of the skin will be taken out around two to four weeks after the procedure. Patients are advised to have a friend or family member help them get home after the plastic surgery and it is recommended to take around ten days off work to allow proper time for healing. Thigh plastic surgery patients should try to rest in a reclining position or standing up to help the healing process. Most patients recover fully after four to six months.

How long do the results last?

The results of thigh lift plastic surgery are immediately visible straight after surgery but some swelling might occur for a while. The final results become apparent after a few weeks and can be maintained in the long term with a healthy diet and exercise and by keeping a constant body weight. As with all plastic surgery procedures even the most long lasting effects will change as the body ages but the thigh lift procedure results are generally considered to be very long lasting.

Risks and complications

A thigh lift is a plastic surgical procedure and as such it carries a set of risks and possible complications. The most common side effects include the formation of blood clots, the accumulation of fluids in the legs, swelling and bruising around the incision site and the treated area feeling different or numb. It is also important to keep in mind that the anesthesia method used at the time of thigh lift plastic surgery will also incur its own set of risks depending on which technique is used by the anesthesiologist.

As a double certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Warren Lent is capable of consulting and carrying out all forms of thigh lift plastic surgery procedures. Book an appointment for an in-depth consultation.